Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Derby Friends

I think the thing I dislike the most about roller derby is that you can’t spit on the floor. How do you do a sport without spitting?

Luckily that is minor and overlookable.

I went out on the rink last Thursday, planning on getting a good hour in before a meeting I had to attend. It hit 95 degrees that day, but I figured it would be cooler at 6 pm. It wasn’t. That, combined with the fact that I had barely eaten all day made me quite pathetic on wheels. This was my first day of walking like an upright citizen once more, after hunching and stepping lightly using as few of my aching muscles as possible for about three days. This past post-boot camp week was hell. I wanted to keep skating but it really hurt, and I couldn’t even lift my foot do to a crossover. Last Thursday, I believe I lasted around 20 minutes, tops. But they say everything is for a reason, and perhaps my reason was to run into Mallory.

Mallory and her sister were just leaving the rink and we spoke for a moment about practicing together but neglected to exchange numbers. Much to my excitement, she found me on facebook and we decided to skate together on Saturday night. My first derby sister friend!

Upon reading my obnoxiously excited facebook posts about my newly formed derby obsession, a friend from undergrad messaged me. She used to skate with a woman on the BRRG, Maya Rulez. When I met Maya and brought up our mutual friend, she clapped her hands together exclaiming, “Dana and I were derby babies together!” When I skated with Mallory on Saturday, I kept thinking, someday we will talk about being derby babies! This was a very exciting prospect, mainly because, in my mind, when we are clapping our hands and remembering these weeks of hot summer night practices in Carrier Park, we will be formidable, in-shape bona-fucking-fide derby girls.

But we still have a way to go. My 20 minute practice on Thursday left me feeling lousy, out of shape, and down. I did all the self pep talks and took Friday off. Saturday, Mallory and I met at 7 and practiced everything we could remember. We compared boot camp experiences and I found I was not the only one about to pass out as the BRRG women skated circles around us. We practiced falling, getting up, skating fast, crossovers (she is the reigning queen) and taking breaks. It was one of the best times I have had out at Carrier. I get so bored and in my head when I practice alone.

And tonight, there were four! Delaney and Coco joined us and we had a hard, 1.5 hour workout. How fun is it to be goofy and learn from other beginner skaters! We critiqued each other (“Emily! DERBY STANCE!”); wove, and ran into, around water and gatorade bottles; compared equipment, spoke of our dream skates and how thankful we are for our knee gaskets. We tried out derby name ideas and traded tips. We were red faced and dripping sweat, turning left and right to call out the number of fingers Mallory’s boyfriend, Tensey, was holding up as he skated behind us (to practice focusing behind). We giggled and fell and slid I swear I had more fun than I have in some time.

Aside from getting into shape, I am unbelievably psyched to grow and work with a community of strong, awesome women. This weekend was a glimpse of what my summer is going to bring. Lots of sweat, bruises, and laughter. Red faces, empty water bottles, and broken laces.

I got home and was full of energy. I swept and mopped the house, cleaned the toilet, fed the dogs, did the dishes, took out the garbage and recycling and did a load of laundry. I felt content. Antioch instilled in me such a need for community, and everywhere I go I build one, person by person, friendship by friendship. This could be my best yet.

This post is dedicated to my best friend and the girl who inspired me every day to be a tough, bad ass lady. Bela, you are missed.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with the spitting thing! And I also agree that everything happens for a reason and you went to that 20 minute work out so we could meet and be Derby Babies together! Love the blog Emily and cannot wait to skate with you again!

    RIP Bela
