Monday, November 8, 2010

Level 2. The BRRG Ladder.

It's been months since tryouts. I am a Blue Ridge Rollergirl. I made it. A summer of busting my ass, and this dream has been realized. If there are words, I have yet to find them. This one, in it's original state, describes the experience quite well:

Awesome: [aw-suhm]
1. inspiring awe: an awesome sight.
2. showing or characterized by awe.

I want to write about what it was like going to a practice with the vets. Walking into Skater's Choice as a Blue Ridge Rollergirl, but definitely FRESH MEAT. We have to earn everything, as it should be. It has been hard. I will climb and sweat and work my way to the A-Team. When I have more words, I will write. Until then, I will just keep skating and working and hitting and fighting to get there.
